Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Membership Advantage

As an AWCS member you receive some valuable benefits.

Discount on courses and workshops
Participate in student readings
Access to AWCS Library
AWCS Write Now!
Alexandra Musings E-zine
Manuscript Critique Service
Peer Critique Groups
Special Member Only Events
Writer in Residence
Alexandra Writer’s Directory
Freefall Magazine
Monthly Board Meetings
Annual General Meeting

8 Week Courses/One Day Saturday Workshops

As a member you receive a discounted rate on all courses and workshops. We have something for writers of all skill levels. Day and evening classes and one day Saturday workshops are available for your convenience. Sessions run 3 times a year – Fall, Winter and Spring. Visit our website for a full list of current courses and workshops.

Student Readings: An Audience Like No Other

At the end of every semester we offer students the unique opportunity to read their work in front of a group of other writers, family and friends. This is a great opportunity to meet other writers, network and just have a little fun after all the hard work. It’s an audience like no other. Supportive and non-judgmental, nearly everyone in this audience has been there. Held in November, March and June, visit our website for exact dates and times.

AWCS Library

As a member you have unlimited access to our ever expanding reference library containing book and magazines on writing as well as some great works of literature. It’s simple, fill out the lending card and you have 4 weeks to read and enjoy. Late fees are by donation so depending on your level of guilt you can contribute as little or as much as you wish.

Monthly Board Meetings

The board of directors meets the first Saturday of every month from September to June. As a member you are welcome to attend any or all board meetings. Bring your ideas, comments, or questions.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM is held the last Sunday in August. As a member you are encouraged to attend to vote on various opportunities, offer suggestions for improvement, propose new programs and elect your new board of directors.

AWCS Write Now!

Be the first to know about upcoming events, new programs and course offerings. AWCS Write Now is a monthly email newsletter letting you know what’s happening, before it happens. Contains information about events within as well as around the city.

Alexandra Musings E-zine

Musings is a bi-monthly email newsletter containing articles from our members, upcoming event information, past event information and so much more. Submit as often as you like, this is a great step towards publication credits. Deadlines are the 15th day of each month of publication. Visit our website for complete submission guidelines.

Peer Critique Groups

After the completion of a class, the students have gotten so comfortable with each other and value each other’s opinions that they choose to continue to meet as a group.
Other members may have not written anything in awhile and would just like a chance to meet with other writers to get the creative juices flowing again. AWCS offers onsite space for your meetings at a reasonable rate. Contact the office for more information.

Alexandra Writer’s Directory

As a member you have the option to be included in our directory and have access to other members contact information for the purpose of setting up critique groups, special events and other writing related activities. A great way to get to know other members of AWCS. Go for coffee, do an email critique/exchange of manuscripts.

Freefall Magazine

A one year subscription (2 issues) to Freefall Magazine is included in your membership. You can submit short stories, poetry, artwork or photography for possible publication. Submission deadlines are June 30 and December 31 (contest issue). Visit for complete submission guidelines and theme for upcoming contest issue.

What Is Free Fall Writing?

Free Fall Method of Writing

The free fall method of writing encourages the writer to write without editing as they go. That editorial instinct, common to most writers, can be tempting but also time-consuming and counter productive.

W.O. Mitchell’s free fall method encourages writers to switch off their inner editor and just write as the thoughts come into their minds, relying on sensory information and memories. The writer can edit after the piece is finished, but during the process, it is essential that the writer does not revise his or her work.

What Makes Us Unique?

AWCS offers three sessions of classes per year for adults. The small class sizes allow for more in depth focus on your own work. In addition, each student participates in critiquing other writers work and in turn having their own work critiqued. After all, who is a better judge of what works and is engaging than other writers. Don’t forget, we all read books before we became writers.

At the end of each session we offer all students the opportunity to read their work in front of an audience of other writers, friends and family. This is a great chance to meet other writers, network and just have fun.

Fall 2009 Writing Courses

Eight-Week Writing Courses
Fees: Members $120 Non-Members: $150

1.01 Introductory Creative Writing
Instructor: Elaine Morin
Day/Time: Thursdays, 7-9pm
Date: Begins September 24, 2009
In the introductory courses, the basics of character, plot, dialogue and setting are introduced through discussion, practical exercises and mutual feedback.

1.02 Introductory Creative Writing
Instructor: Vicki Chatham
Day/Time: Fridays, 1:30-3:30pm
Date: Begins September 25, 2009
In the introductory courses, the basics of character, plot, dialogue and setting are introduced through discussion, practical exercises and mutual feedback.

2.00 Short Story
Instructor: Susan Calder-Arnold
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 7-9pm
Date: Begins September 22, 2009
The short story from beginning to end: how to hook your reader, sustain interest and bring the story to a satisfying conclusion. Through written assignments and the study of published short stories we will examine techniques for portraying character, plot, scene, setting, dialogue and more. Students will share their work with the class and participate in group critiques. We'll wrap up with tips for marketing your short stories. Prerequisite: Introductory Creative Writing

3.10 Introductory Poetry
Instructor: Susan Plett
Day/Time: Thursdays, 7-9pm
Date: Begins September 24, 2009
Want to give poetry a try but don't know where to start? Join Calgary poet Susan Plett for a truly painless introduction to the art of poem making.

3.20 Form Poetry
Instructor: Micheline Maylor
Day/Time: Mondays, 7-9pm
Date: Begins September 21, 2009
A "fright free" way to try and learn about Sonnets, Villanelles, Terza Rima, Rhymed Couplets and others. Each week a new form will be briefly introduced, historically and structurally, and then you are free to try it. Each week will also include a critique of the past assignment. This is an advanced level course.

4.00 Personal Essay
Instructor: Ellen Kelly
Day/Time: Wednesdays, 7-9pm
Date: Begins September 23, 2009
Does your writing say what you want it to say? Is there deeper significance to your personal writing? Learn how to expand your written work into a clear and concise essay by examining style, focus, audience and purpose. Applicable techniques used in fiction will be discussed and some published essays will be studied. There will be a workshopping component to this course.

5.00 World Builders: Crafting Quality Fantasy and Science Fiction
Instructor: Brad Carr
Day/Time: Wednesdays, 7-9pm
Date: Begins September 23, 2009
About what does an elf sing? What colour is an alien sky? A World Builder accepts the imaginative burden of examining his or her alternate reality in detail, considering not only characters, but those characters' social, political and ecologic surroundings. Sign up for World Builders and experience some of the greats at work, all while you build and populate your own world.

Saturday Seminars/Workshops

Special Fee, except as noted: Members: $60 Non-Members: $70

September 26 Life Into Story
Instructor: Lori Hahnel
In this workshop we will learn how to transform real life experiences into the stuff of fiction, with an emphasis on the importance of character as the primary driving force of story. Through discussion we will explore the relationship between fictional characters and real people and will use exercises to begin developing memorable characters.

October 3 Songwriting
Instructor: Phyllis Wheaton
Enjoy writing and wonder how you can turn a story or poem into a song from scratch? You will enjoy this one day songwriting class with facilitator Phyllis Wheaton. She has recorded and published poetry and music and will lead this class in discovering their own songs.

October 17 Screenwriting
Instructor: Phyllis Heltay
Have you ever watched a movie and thought, "I could write that!"? This workshop will cover the essentials of screenplay writing: format, dialogue, action, character development and the story arc. Get the inside scoop on how material is developed for the big screen and find out if YOUR idea would sell.

October 24, 31 & November 7 (Three Saturdays)
Raising The Dead
Instructor: Carolyn Pogue

Fee: Members $120 Non Members $150

Write historical fiction by harvesting your family history for intriguing characters and amazing plots. Participants will imaginatively connect with one of their ancestors, as if one were a character in a story. Writers will work through a series of free fall and other exercises to create historical fiction with a personal touch. Please bring to the first session a family tale, artifact or photograph of the ancestor you intend to write about.

October 24 Submissions and Markets
Instructor: Lorna Schultz-Nicholson
If your goal is to see your words in print, discover what to expect, what works and what doesn't work. Whether you want to publish articles, poetry, fiction or books, learn tips on possible markets, effective queries, formats for submissions, useful websites and helpful groups so you can achieve your dream.