We’d like a
significant portion of our content to be generated by all you writers out there. Writer's Corner is a place
to share your work and promote yourself. Have an upcoming publication? Let us
know. If you have a book review, essay, poem, or bit of prose you’d like to
share, send it to us. If you have an idea for a writing-focused article, or some writing tips, we
want to hear it.
Writing should also be
fun, so check in regularly for calls for themed submissions of poetry and
postcard length fiction/creative non-fiction.
This is a blog for writers, by writers, limited only by our imaginations. We need your words!
- Submissions are open to all writers, anywhere in the universe
- Upcoming events/news:
publications, launches, signings etc.
- Blog posts/articles
with a writing focus; author interviews; book reviews; essays; poetry, prose
- All submissions should
be 500 words or less
- Submit in .doc or
.docx format, or pasted into the body of the email.
- Send to awcswriterscorner@gmail.comWe can't offer payment, but we can help spread your name.
If your piece is posted on Writer's Corner, we're happy to add a link to your blog or website. All we ask is that you do the same. Follow us and we will follow you. Tell all your friends and followers. Tweet and announce it on Facebook.
We look forward you sharing your work!