Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some Poetry For Tuesday

Prince Edward Island Farewell
By Jamal Ali

This poem was written during my departure from Prince Edward Island on August 15, 2001 aboard Air Canada bound for Toronto. Abegweit is the Micmac name for the Island
meaning, “Cradled on the waves.” Minegoo is the Micmac word meaning, “The Island.”

Farewell, oh splendid Island of the singing waters
for I must sadly go.
To Stampede City, I must venture,
since I cannot resist the calling of “home sweet home.”
Oh Abegweit, you will always be in my memory,
for I have discovered paradise,
since you are filled with the charms of life.
Your air is like perfume.
Your azure sea, verdant rolling farmlands,
and red sandstone cliffs
will always be in my dreams.
Someday, we will meet again Isle of Shangri-La.
Oh beautiful Island,
you have welcomed me in your arms,
for I have become part of your psyche.
It was hard for me to leave your picturesque shores,
I revel in my thoughts of Anne Shirley,
and my discovery of the fountain of youth
in Lover’s Lane.
Green Gables scintillates my passion.
I could hear the daily echoes of the Great Spirit,
“Come back to Minegoo, please come back.”

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